
More enemies fallout 4
More enemies fallout 4

This is more of an alternate version of The Power of Friendship where a hero's friends and allies are the reason why he has accomplished his goals. Arrogant characters will often have this belief. Jerkass characters will use this trope to excuse their behavior towards others. Even the hero would rub it in all of their faces for being inferior towards him, especially if it's reason 1 from above. Other versions would have an oppressive tyrant enjoy being hated because he believes they fear him. Villains like the Visionary Villain can apply this philosophy to their goals, although that doesn't mean they wouldn't give their enemies a smug gloat if they have succeeded. Note that this doesn't always have to be exclusive to the heroes. Reason 2 from above would be that enemies are lighting up the fire in the hero whereas friendships are just there to bring down the hero. Honesty: It could be that the hero knows that it's better to have openly honest enemies than untrustworthy friends.The more they hate him, the stronger and better he will become in the long run. Motivation: Another reason could be that the hero sees their scorn as some sort of motivation.

more enemies fallout 4

This character usually believes that Peer Pressure Makes You Evil, and hanging with his boring friends is better than hanging with the wrong crowd.

more enemies fallout 4

After all, they're too cruel and nasty to understand it. Moral character: The hero has gained a lot of enemies because he stood up for something that is right.Here are some common reasons why the hero puts up with them day after day: This is the trope where the hero has the ideology that having enemies is good, beneficial, or necessary for his life. You think that your enemies are the best thing to ever happen to you?

More enemies fallout 4